The so-called home automation has always been associated with high costs, at a time when its development was not only heavy, but also cumbersome, which possibly led many people and companies to discard the idea of automating their projects, not only from home, but even from smart offices.
Luckily, those days are long gone, and today it is possible to enjoy a smart home even without too much effort. What advice can we follow if we want to design smart homes? We discover it for you. Contact Automated Innovation today!
Nowadays, with the lowest costs and a much simpler and simpler assembly and installation, developing a new project without approaching home automation seems something certainly absurd. Especially if we take into account the wide variety of advantages that this technology offers us, not only in the offices, but at home, in our day-to-day life.
And that’s because home automation is exactly what it sounds like: automating the ability to control devices at home, from blinds to pet feeders, all at the push of a button (or say a voice command).
Some activities, such as installing a lamp to turn it on and off as we please, are relatively simple and comfortable. Others, like the most advanced surveillance cameras, may require – it is true – a much more serious investment not only of time, but of money.

In any case, starting with some basic devices is not difficult, and a good option is to follow some of the tips that we propose below.
There’s no question: Most smart home devices are great, but they can also become an unnecessary expense. To obtain the maximum benefit it is necessary to look at what are your customization possibilities.
This is particularly true when, for example, you are purchasing a security system for your smart home. It is important that the equipment has as much coverage as possible, but that can be easily achieved if we know where the weak points are in our home.
Before starting to buy equipment, it is necessary to take a complete tour of our home, and observe where and how it is possible to use smart home technology. Then, a good option is to divide it into categories (lighting, security, air control …) and finally start prioritizing by choosing those elements that can be truly useful from the beginning.

Converting an ordinary home into a smart home is an investment, requiring money and effort. But fortunately, it is something that can be built little by little, over time.
Compatibility is another fundamental element, and another of the things that we should take into account before starting to invest in technology and devices for our smart home.
The options today, it is true, are seemingly endless, but this is not always good. One of the many benefits that smart technology offers us is the synchronization of devices and equipment, but this is only possible if both are compatible.
This does not necessarily mean that we have to buy each device from a single vendor or manufacturer. Some systems may be compatible with other products outside of their own family, such as Google Home or Apple Homekit.

The best part about having a smart home is that we can control almost all devices no matter where we are. For example, our Wi-Fi connected equipment can in turn be monitored and controlled by various devices, which offers interesting advantages.
The three most common ways to control smart home equipment are through your smartphone, smartwatch, and tablet. Additionally, some systems also come with a hub that can be used at home to control devices.
In any case, given that each provider has its own applications, with unique interfaces and characteristics, if possible it is best to try them before buying them, to see which one offers the best usability.
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